Extra light fuel oil (TOLEX)


Extra light fuel oil (TOLEX) is a mixture of liquid hydrocarbons. It is got from petroleum by distilling or refining and contains active additives to ensure the required low-temperature and anti-corrosive properties and additives to improve oiliness and oxidation stability (especially during storage). Extra light fuel oil is a clear red liquid which is coloured and marked. TOLEX is intended primarily for heat production in ecologically protected areas and for home heating. It is stored in single- or double-shell tanks, which can be located inside buildings in the case of family houses and small boiler rooms. It is important to store fuel in such a way that it does not deteriorate due to water or mechanical impurities.



High calorific value. The efficiency of boilers which burn extra light fuel oil is up 95 %, which is 15 % more than in the case of a latest coal-fired boiler (max. 80 % efficiency), for example.

Ecological heating. Compared with coal, the combustion of light fuel oil produces a relatively small amount of harmful substances (for example, it has only a trace sulphur concentration – 0.05 %). Due to this, fuel oil boilers also meet demanding environmental limits.

Relatively low costs of reconstruction (solid fuel boilers, for example) or the comparable costs of acquisition of a new heating system.

Price stability in the future. Due to the world’s sufficient petroleum reserves, the production of extra light fuel oil will not be limited at least during the next 40 years, and therefore also its prices will be stable within a certain range.

Easy transport with minimal losses and very easy handling. Therefore, it is easy to control the heating process and possible to react quickly to an immediate request for heat at home, which brings great operation comfort. Heating with extra light fuel oil can also be used in such places where natural gas is not available.


Basic quality parameters

  • PND 33-352-94

  • Density at 20 °C – max. 860 kg m³

  • Distillation test up to 250 °C; distilled max. 65 % of volume

  • Distillation test up to 350 °C; distilled max. 85 % of volume

  • Kinematic viscosity at 20 °C – max. 6 mm²/s

  • Ash content – 0.01 % of the weight

  • Mechanical impurity content – 0.05 % of weight

  • Sulphur content – 0.2 % of weight

  • Flash point (Pensky and Martens) – 56 °C

  • Freezing point – -10 °C

After registration at the relevant Customs Office, TOLEX extra light fuel oil consumers can reclaim consumption tax, which is included in the total price of this commodity.